Friday, January 15, 2010


Jim has officially graduated from GMU! Hooray!
Papers have been sent in to the state, and soon they should be granting him his official EIT (Engineer in training) status. As a graduation gift his boss purchased him a company truck to drive that is exclusively his. That was a very big surprise and took a big weight off our shoulders since we did not know how we were going to replace our aging Civic.
For our final phase of celebrating graduation, and our 7 yr. wedding anniversary, Jim and I will be sending the kids to grandma's while we spend a few days visiting our nation's capitol. Shear Madness at the Kennedy Center, Smithsonian, and maybe the Spy Museum are all on the list of activities for our weekend escape/celebration.

1 comment:

  1. sounds fun! congrats Jim! can't wait to come and see you all :)
